Steven McConnell Roofing Contractors

Roofer, Roof Repairs, Roofing

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07850 925183
37 Greta Ave, Hartlepool TS25 5LE, UK

Opening Hours:

Area Served:
Within 4 miles (6.4km) of 37 Greta Ave, Hartlepool TS25 5LE, UK
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Google Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars (6 total ratings)

Peter Tarbit
4 Star
Good friendly service and excellent staff
Wednesday 17th February 2021
debbie glen
5 Star
Nice kind friendly people. Always have the kettle on
Monday 3rd December 2018
George Smith
5 Star

Wednesday 14th October 2020
Andy Young
5 Star

Sunday 29th August 2021
Andrew Storey
4 Star

Monday 23rd July 2018